Harry Coburn


Harry Coburn

Meditator-in-Chief Content Writer

Team Member Since 2/26/2024

TOP WORK STRENGTHS: Years of freelancing experience, self-motivation, boiling down complex topics to something others can understand.

MY FAVORITE THINGS: Meditation (or Buddhist practice), Tabletop RPGs, Good Conversation, Music, Sumo

Harry is a Content Writer at Hennessey Digital, having previously worked with Jason Hennessey as a freelance content writer at EverSpark Interactive. For over a decade, Harry ran his own successful freelance writing agency, Hunting For Words, with his late wife, Emily Hunter. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Religion from Truman State University.

In his spare time, Harry practices Buddhist meditation and enjoys a wide variety of hobbies and interests, including traditional woodworking, tabletop RPGs, sumo, Japanese culture, hobbyist electronics and programming, minimalism, and more.

Fun trivia bit about me:

Lived for a year in Alaska in a sub-200 sq. ft. apartment.

On my bucket list:

Visiting Japan and escaping samsāra


My #1 HD Core Principle

Be Honest and Transparent, because guidelines and boundaries must be clear to avoid conflicts.

My Fav Song

Resolution by VNV Nation

My Fav Movie

Pan's Labyrinth

My Fav Inspirational Speech

As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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