Ashley Fike


Ashley Fike

Food-Obsessed Traveler Content Writer

Team Member Since 6/3/2024

TOP WORK STRENGTHS: Self discipline. Time management. Adaptability.

MY FAVORITE THINGS: My super cute dog Marty, traveling as often as possible, eating delicious food whilst traveling, yoga, the beach, going to concerts, reading, and spending time with family.

Ashley Fike, a Content Writer residing in Savannah, Georgia, has been writing professionally for over 15 years. Her work spans from viral content seen on Facebook feeds to informative medical blogs and everything in between. Her educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in marketing and a post-baccalaureate in advertising. Additionally, she boasts six years of experience in proofreading and editing.

When not at her laptop, Ashley enjoys spending time with her adorable dog, Marty, a pit bull/boxer mix, or engaging in outdoor activities. Her passions include the beach, hiking, and exploring new destinations; traveling holds a special place in her heart. Ashley has visited 25 countries and resided in Thailand for two years, collecting tattoos as souvenirs along the way. She delights in sampling new cuisines during her travels, practicing yoga, attending concerts, and cherishing moments with her family.

Fun trivia bit about me:

When I was 18, I won a contest and got to be on an episode of MTV's Road Rules and meet Outkast.

On my bucket list:

Visiting Seychelles

My hero is:

My grandmother Connie. No matter what – she shows kindness and compassion. She's the most loving, selfless person I've ever met and truly admire everything about her.

Favorite food of all time:


If I could sing or play an instrument like anyone, it would be ...:

I would want to sing like Hayley Williams from Paramore because her voice is insanely powerful. She hits notes that can make you cry.


My #1 HD Core Principle

Make It Fun; Don't Be a Jerk – How often have you worked somewhere or with someone that was a total downer? No one wants work or interact with someone who is snarky, apathetic, or seems "above" anyone else. Working with a team who values each other as people (truly!) is so important. It makes work fun, it boosts productivity, and it really solidifies that team feeling.

My Fav Song

God of Wine by Third Eye Blind

My Fav Movie


My Fav Inspirational Speech

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle

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