Viktor Veljanovski


Viktor Veljanovski

Bonsai Master Software Engineer I

Team Member Since 4/8/2024

TOP WORK STRENGTHS: Resourceful, analytical, supportive

MY FAVORITE THINGS: Going out for a coffee on a good sunny day, working out (gym, running, cycling etc.), strategy games (chess, video games etc.), sci-fi novels or anything interesting on audiobook

Viktor Veljanovski is a Software Engineer at Hennessey Digital. He has been involved in designing and building websites for the past decade, bringing extensive experience in all aspects of WordPress. Notable skills include Plugin & Theme development, WordPress integrations, server setups, migrations, and site optimizations.

Viktor is also a husband and father to two amazing kids. On sunny days, when he’s not outside working out or enjoying a cup of coffee, you might find him with his earbuds on, listening to a sci-fi novel audiobook. He also enjoys playing strategy video games and engaging in quick chess matches. Additionally, Viktor spends time tending to his plants, particularly bonsai, and caring for a captivating water ecosystem commonly known as an aquarium.

Fun trivia bit about me:

I was a professional basketball player and played the national team for kades.

On my bucket list:

Own a boat, or a sailboat, and sail the high seas or lakes

My hero is:

Jacque Fresco has a unique insight into human nature, technology, psychology, and his work extends to areas such as human behavior, the resource-based economy, and many more.

Favorite food of all time:

Pasta, seafood, mediterranean food. There is no way I could pick a favorite.

If I could sing or play an instrument like anyone, it would be ...:

Paganini - Violin


My #1 HD Core Principle

Stay Nimble; Never Stop Learning - This one is at the center of what we do, especially as an overseas contractor. I'd never be where I am now if I hadn't been humble to learn over and over again.

My Fav Song

Gramatik - Just Jammin'

My Fav Movie

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

My Fav Inspirational Speech

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